Solo Exhibition at Mayday
25.9. - 30.10.2022
Hafenstrasse 25
4057 Basel

Solo Exhibition at Mayday
25.9. - 30.10.2022
Hafenstrasse 25
4057 Basel
Tatjana Gerhard
Opening Saturday 14.05.2022
13:00 - 18:00
solo exhibition
14.05 - 19.06.22
PLUS-ONE Gallery (New South)
Léon Stynenstraat 21
2000 Antwerpen
Group Exhibition, Herrmann Germann Conspiratiors, @Galerie Rosenberg Zürich
Opening, Friday 06 May, 18 - 20
together with:
Fritz Bornstück, Maxim Brandt, Tatjana Gerhard, Clare Goodwin, Daniel Karrer, Hot Wire Extension
'One way or another' 10 years of Posture Editions
Welcome to the exhibition in the S.M.A.K. with works by the 42 artists with whom Posture Editions has made a book in the course of the past ten years.
S.M.A.K. - zaal 1 - Sat. 30.10 - Sun. 28.11.2021
Jan Hoetplein 1, 9000 Gent
Tue.- Fri. 9:30 - 17:30 / Sat. - Sun- 10:00 - 18:00
Book launch on Sat. 6. Nov. - 16 h at S.M.A.K.
Roger Raveelmuseum
Gildestraat 2 - 8
9870 Machelen
Opening zondag 8 maart van 11:00 - 17:00
Jana Cordenier, Tatjana Gerhard, Matthieu Ronsse, Koen van den Broek, Carole Vanderlinden, Sophie Whettnall & Roger Raveel
DMW Artspace
Koolstraat 15
Groupexhibition with Tatjana Gerhard, Fia Cielen, Timo van Grinsven, Lysandre Begijn
17.10.2019 - 30.11.2019
Grote Markt 26,
8630 Veurne
30.06.2019 - 15.09.2019
Guglielmo Castelli
Ondrej Drescher
Gregory Forstner
Tatjana Gerhard
Opening October 25, 6 pm
October 25 – November 17, 2018
Wednesday – Saturday 12–6 pm
67 Rue de la Régence
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Rag Doll Act
Westerlaan 17, 8790 Waregem, Belgium
Opening Saturday 17 March 3 pm
18.03 18 - 24.06.18
Cultuurhuis de Warande
Warandestraat 42
2300 Turnhout
11.03 - 20.05
De titel van deze tentoonstelling verwijst naar een klassieker uit de Japanse literatuur. Yukio Mishima beschrijft in Het Gouden Pavilijoen de gedachten en emoties van een jonge monnik. De tempel van het klooster waarin hij gaat wonen is van een onaardse schoonheid. Voor hem is die schoonheid dermate confronterend, dat ze een kwelling wordt. Hij steekt uiteindelijk de tempel in brand en tracht daarbij ook zichzelf van het leven te beroven. Maar daarin mislukt hij.
In Het Gouden Paviljoen brengen we werk samen van erg uiteenlopende kunstenaars. Hun werk vertelt over hoe schoonheid is verbonden met het verlangen van de mens haar te bezitten. We willen haar vast houden en gaan daardoor te ver in het beschermen ervan. We kopen bloemen om ze in een vaas te zien sterven.
De curatoren van de tentoonstelling zijn kunstenaar Dries Segers en Annelies Nagels van de Warande.
Deelnemende kunstenaars: Lucia Bru, Leo Copers, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Edtith Dekyndt, Danny Devos, Tatjana Gerhard, Ori Gersht, Geert Goiris, Gregory Green, Athar Jaber, Sofie Muller, Renato Nicolodi, Tokyo Rumando, Dries Segers, Marco Tirelli, Hannelore van Dijck, Jan Van Imschoot, Philippe Vandenberg, Filip Vervaet & Daisuke Yokota
Museum Dr. Guislain
Jozef Guislainstraat 43, B - 9000 Gent
11.11.2017 - 27.05.2018
Terrorist attacks, nuclear threats, blinding political tensions: fear rules the world, but also our lives. What is our money still worth? How will climate change determine our future? Fear is an instinctive emotion and largely determines our actions. In response, we are seeking control as something to hold on to: lack of control makes us feel powerless. On the other hand, too much control makes us feel uneasy and suspicious. Do we want to be spied on by security cameras? Is our data safe on the internet? Fear has a strong impact on everyone: it spreads like wildfire. How do psychiatrists and psychologists deal with this fear that is omnipresent? They seek methods of treatment, from therapeutic talks to deep brain stimulation. Or are we in fact attracted by fear – when it is packaged as entertainment – and does it protect us against impending doom – as a survival mechanism?
The exhibition Fear wants to show the many faces of this emotion, since fear is something of all times and cultures but has always been experienced, cultivated and combatted in a different way. From ‘God-fearing’ to fear of one’s fellow man, from highly personal phobia to mass hysteria.
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
28.09 - 09.10.2016
As part of a cultural enterprise commemorating 150 years of friendly relations between Japan and Belgium, this is an international exchange art exhibition featuring 32 artists representing both countries. In Kanazawa, with its rich history of international exchange as sister city of 40 years to Ghent, Belgium, which retains a strong remnant of the Middle Ages, we host an art exhibition of a collection of pieces by artists leading the modern age in both countries, in order to further deepen cultural exchanges and cross-cultural understanding in the future.
Tatjana Gerhard
posture editions N°22
Book: 80p., € 20.00, ISBN 978 94 9126 222 7
Sunday 18th sep 2016 / 11:00
BOOK LAUNCH at museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Talk with Tanguy Eeckhout, Wim Waelput and the artist
MDD: Museumlaan 14, B-9831 Deurle
26.06.2016 - 25.09.2016
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Museumlaan 14
B-9831 Deurle
Roger Raveelmuseum
Gildestraat 2-8
B-9870 Machelen-Zulte
Solo exhibition
Opening, Sunday 20.03.2016, 16:00–18:00 h
Deweer Gallery, Tiegemstraat 6A, 8553 Otegem, Belgium
a selection from the S.M.A.K. collection, hommage to Jan Hoet
Group exhibition
Opening, Friday 26 February, 20.00 h
de Halle, Markt 1, Geel, Belgium
15. November 2015